"We Understand We Care": Prudential won Reader’s Digest Most Trusted Brand 2009

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Prudential won Reader’s Digest Most Trusted Brand 2009

The result was out in May, tapi baru berkesempatan nak memberitahu para pembaca. Prudential dapat Gold Award untuk both categories –Insurance Company (Asia and Malaysia) & Unit Trust Investment ( Asia Award Winner).

Untuk insurance company, ada 3 company yang dapat 3 Gold Award – AIA & Great Eastern & Prudential. Ini bukan ranking ya, tiga-tiga company pun dapat Gold award. As for Asia
Award Winner – both AIA & Prudential won the award.
Untuk kategori Unit Trust , Prudential Fund Management (nama Unit Trust company under Prudential) , PFMB menang di bawah Asia kategori. tapi, PFMB is local, malaysian company ; so we actually won the Gold Award untuk UT dalam Malaysia juga lah.

apakah maksudnya apabila menang Gold Award dari Reader’s Digest ni??

  • How do we choose what to buy? As Reader’s Digest’s annual poll reveals, low prices or fashion don’t always count.
    Consumers can be fickle, but they’re not always driven by self-interest, as we discover in our Most Trusted Brands survey. The most important thing to a customer, it seems, is a brand being true to its promise.
    Some brands consistently retain our confidence and trust by fulfilling their promises. But having consumers’ trust means meeting expectations, without fail.
    Reader’s Digest assigned its awards based on 7,000 responses to questionnaires and telephone interviews from across Asia. Consumers were asked to nominate their most Trusted Brand in 42 product categories. They were then asked to assign a score for each brand for the six core qualites:
    -Credibility of image
    -How well each brand understands consumers’ needs,
    -Its ability to innovate

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